CAD Submit

AutoCAD Drawing Anti-Plagiarism

Analysis and Reporting for Educators

CAD Submit
Software-as-a-Service starts in January 2016!  

to register your account and get started today

What is CAD Submit?

CAD Submit is a web-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) system specifically designed for Educators who teach, assign and grade AutoCAD based tasks to students.  CAD Submit is a one-of-a-kind analysis and reporting system that will compare a drawing submitted by a student with every other student who submitted a drawing for the same assignment.  CAD Submit can also look at Historical drawing submissions from previous years, should the assignment be the same.

CAD Submit Workflow

The workflow is clean and simple,

  1. Setup - Professors create Courses and associated Assignment entries using the CAD Submit Web Portal. Professors then submit their assignment Template(s) provided to students for each Course assignment.
  2. Submit - Students can submit their assignment drawing(s) to the professor or login to the CAD Submit Web Portal and submit their assignment drawing directly.  Email notifications are sent to the professor and student for confirmation.
  3. Process - Once the Assignment is closed for submission, all drawings are processed and analyzed for matching object properties and sequences.  The professor can chose to also compare the submitted drawings to past years for historical analysis.
  4. Report - Once the process is complete, a PDF report is emailed to the Professor and Posted to the CAD Submit Web portal for future reference.

What is being Compared?

There are (6) six reports generated during the Analysis of the assignment drawings submitted.

  1. File Properties and Table Counts – If table counts match, could be indicative of plagiarism (Layers, Blocks, Text Styles, DIM Styles, Linetypes)
  2. Handle Match – If Object Type and Handle ID Matches, this represents a direct drawing copy violation
  3. Index Match – If Object Type and Index ID Matches, this means drawing objects are coincidentally created in the same order, high probability of plagiarism
  4. Geometric Match – If the Object Type, XY Coordinates and Unique Object Property Matches, this means drawing objects are coincidentally created in the same location, high probability of plagiarism specifically for TEXT and Dimensions
  5. Sequence Match – If 10 Objects were created in the same order and that sequence matches, this means drawing objects are coincidentally created in the same order, high probability of plagiarism
  6. CAD Standards – Did the Student comply with Submitted Template CAD Standards (Layering, Styles, Blocks, Linetypes
Sample Report Format - Matching Handles Example