

    Design Modelling

    Rapid creation of 3D Models from 2D Infrastructure Design (Sites, Roads, Sewer, Water and Utility) is the first step. These models can be delivered to the client or construction firms who use their own BIM processes.

    Clash Detection Analysis

    We can provide a visual report based clash detection between in interfering pipes, utilities and other model based design components, lowering the construction risks between sub-consultants and data providers.

    Volume Analysis and Material Quantities

    Using surface models, we can provide earthworks volume analysis using provided topographic mapping and design grading.

    Rapid Visualization Inspection

    We have various solutions in developing visual media (video and images) of the project during design and approval stages where timelines are tight and clients need to “see” the design for better decision making.

    High Definition Visualization

    For Public Meetings, Websites and Other high profile events, high definition images, video and animation may be required. BIM Models allow us to move data from the design environment into higher definition software for spectacular results.